A small town of the Pavese Oltrepò area, situated in the valley of the homonymous river, a tributary of the Staffora. The hi story of Val di Nizza is closely tied to the vicissitudes of the castle of Oramala (district of Val di Nizza), one of the most important strongholds of the powerful Malaspina family of Lombard origins that dominated the village for many centuries. In 1474 the fortress was fortified by Manfredi Malaspina, a friend of the Duke of Milan, Ludovico il Moro, to resist the artillery. The fort continued to belong to the Malaspina until the end of the XVIII century and then it was abandoned. In recent years, the last owners, the Panigazzi brothers, have completed a massive restoration and reconstruction, under the watchful eye of the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage.
Interesting is also the XVIII century Church of St. Paul the Apostle.