Villa Santo Stefano is located in the Valley of Amaseno, along the slopes of Mount Siserno, in an area rich in water sources, mainly cultivated with olive groves and vineyards. The settlement's origins can be traced back to the times of Metabo, King of Volsci. It was later conquered by the Romans and submitted the same historical events of the Empire. The first documented date of its existence, however, goes back only to the XII century, when the fief was granted to the Earls of Ceccano, who fortified the "Castrum S. Stephani" with a sturdy circular shaped watch tower (XII century) and a boundary wall. After several seizures in 1425, the territories submitted several dominations, from the Colonna, back to the Ceccano, then to the Carafa.
Sites of Interest:
- the quaint Old Town Center, with brick arches that support like bridges, the front of the buildings between one another;
- the XVIII century Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit, built after some miraculous healings to people of the area, attributed to the Virgin Mary;
- the Baroque Church of San Sebastiano, with its single nave plan;
- the Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, built on the ruins of a former medieval church. It features three naves and presents a Roman Baroque style.